Wes Angel, M.D. joined Memphis Radiological P.C. in 2015. Dr. Angel received an undergraduate degree from Georgia Institute of Technology. He earned his medical degree from University of Tennessee Health Science Center and completed his residency in Diagnostic Radiology at University of Tennessee, Memphis. He completed his fellowship in Interventional Radiology at Emory. Currently, Dr. Angel serves as the Division Chief of Interventional Radiology at Methodist and President of the Tennessee Radiological Association.
Angel WA, Hawkins CM, Wang JM, Hughes D, Duszak R. “Liver and Kidney Biopsies: Changing Roles of Radiologists and Other Specialists from 1991 – 2012.” Radiological Society of North America Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL.
Accepted pending publication in the JVIR. Presented at RSNA 2014.
Nov 2014
Angel WA, Liaw K, Parikh S. “Efficacy of State Level Tort Reform: An Analysis of Tennessee Malpractice Claims Data.” American College of Radiology Annual Meeting and Chapter Leadership Conference. Washington, DC. April 26-30, 2014.
Presented at AMCLC 2014
April 2014
Angel WA, Laxton, WH. “Comparison of Malpractice Claims: Geographic Distribution in Tennessee from 2009-2012.” Tennessee Radiological Society Annual Meeting. Nashville, TN. February 8, 2014.
Presented at Annual Research Symposium
Feb 2014
Angel WA, Osborn S. “What to Expect When You’re Expecting Health Care Policy Change in 2014.” Tennessee Radiological Society Annual Meeting. Nashville, March 23, 2013.
Presented at Annual Research Symposium
March 2013
Angel WA, Angel JD, Shankar S. “Mesenteric Ischemia: Uncommon Imaging Findings in a Case of Cocaine Enteropathy.” Journal of Radiology Case Reports. 2013 Feb; 7(2):38-43.
Feb 2013
Angel WA. “A Primer on the Affordable Care Act and Its Impact to Radiology.” American College of Radiology. March 2012. http://www.acr.org/Membership/Residents-and-Fellows/Resident-Resources/HPMMA
Published to ACR’s website.
March 2012
Angel WA, Laxton WH, Hadley JL. “Acute Myocardial Infarction on Non-gated CT in Trauma Patient.” Memphis Radiologic Society Annual Meeting. Memphis, November 18, 2010.
Presented at Memphis Roentgen Society Annual Meeting
Nov 2010
Angel WA, Klausmeier CA. “Nonlinear System Complexity and Community Structure.” NSF Research Symposium. Atlanta, GA. July 2005.
NSF Research Symposium, Georgia Institute of Technology
July 2005
Angel WA. “Stability of Nonlinear Pelalgic Foodwebs.” Georgia Institute of Technology Biology Senior Seminar. Atlanta, GA. March 2005
Presented at Biology Senior Seminar.
March 2005